Protect Your Home From Termites
Termites are an important part of our ecosystem. They speed up tree decomposition in the forest creating room for new growth. They are also every homeowner's worst nightmare. Termites can cause serious damage to your home, and the repairs for which can run into thousands of dollars.
When you notice any termite activity, don't hesitate to contact Pest Solutions. We provide effective treatments that can rid your home of termites. We use both conventional liquid treatments and termite baiting systems. Call
us today for a FREE estimate. Veteran and senior discounts are available.
Learn More About Termites
In a termite colony, the queen lays eggs, the workers eat wood and build tunnels, the reproductives (swarmers) mate and start new colonies while the soldiers are responsible for protecting the colony.
Termite Workers - These termites are cream in color and build mud tunnels to get to the wood in your home.
Termite Swarmers (Reproductives) - They are winged and swarm out in large numbers during spring and summer.
Experienced Exterminators
Termites can cause extensive damage to your home. If you have a termite problem, it's always best to hire professionals to get rid of them. Contact Pest Solutions. Our experienced team has the knowledge and special equipment, such as a groundrodding tool, needed to handle the job. If you'd like to learn more about termites, click
Traditional Liquid Treatments
Pest Solutions is experienced in using traditional liquid treatments. It involves mixing a termiticide (such as Premise 75WP) in a tank on the back of the truck. It is then injected into the soil using a treating tool on the end of a hose.
We'll make a trench in the soil next to your home and push the treating tool into the soil to introduce the termiticide. You can also request other termiticides such as Termidor or Altriset which are available at an appropriate upcharge. Let us know what you prefer.
out our form to request a FREE estimate.
Termite Bait Systems
If you prefer bait stations, we can provide you an effective one such as the Advance Termite Bait System. Baits will be installed in the soil around your home. These bait stations will be monitored regularly. When termites get inside to feed, a bait cartridge is placed to deliver the active ingredient.
Which is Better - Traditional Treatments or Bait Systems?
Traditional Termite Liquid Treatments:
- More cost effective than the bait system
- Active ingredient starts working the same day it is applied
- Effectiveness does not depend on multiple inspections
- Preferred treatment method for most homes in the area
Termite Bait Systems:
- Uses less chemicals to control the termites
- Ideal for sensitive situations such as when there is a well close to your home, or a pond or body of water nearby
- Ongoing service provides continued inspection of property
- Does not call for drilling of concrete porches and slabs
Pest Solutions can provide both these termite treatments. Read through the pros and cons given above so that you can make an informed choice. We can also do a hybrid of both systems which calls for liquid treatment of the infested area and bait stations strategically placed around the house. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call and we can discuss the treatment options.
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